These cursive written house numbers are perfect for any style home to give it a modern or mid century look. This listing is for custom words like street names, family names, etc. OR single letters and digits. For written address numbers like "One", my other listing for Mid Cenury Cursive has better rates.
The Cap height is 5 inches. [If there is a descender (G,Y,J,j,p,q,y,f,z, etc.) the height of the word is 7.2 inches.]
TO ORDER: First, select a color. Next, write the words as you want them to appear with the correct cases, and spacing in the Custom Words box. Add the total quantity of letters that the word contains to your cart. They are priced per character/ letter. For example: written in the Custom Words box: [ Jones welcome ] and add a quantity of 12 to the cart.
If you want to clarify the order you can leave a message in the Special Instructions box.
*If you need periods or dashes, write them in the custom words box, but do not include them in your count if you are ordering other words. These will be included free.
They are CNC machined from 1/4 inch thick sheet HDPE plastic with UV stabilizers to prevent fading and hold up in all kinds of weather.
Mounting Options:
Holes and Screws: two matching zinc coated screws and two 1/4 inch thick spacers, cut from the same plastic, that allow the words to float off the surface, if you wish. Holes line up horizontally for easy mounting.
No Holes: no screws, spacers or holes for a flush mount using an outdoor silicone glue or permanent double sided tape. These methods may require reapplication over time.
*If you want no holes in them, leave a note in the cart and I can omit those and will flame treat them automatically. No holes is custom and not returnable.
Custom Mid Century Cursive Words
We accept refunds or exchanges on all standard items such as numbers and letters. Buyer is responsible for return shipping and any amount due. No refunds or exchanges for custom logos or icons, or custom connected script words. E-mail us if there is a problem with your order or return to:
Go Home Numbers
6951 Idlewylde CIR
Melbourne, FL 32904